Closer Look At Transglutaminase
Closer Look At Transglutaminase
Tuesday, 23/01/2018
Get to know Tranglutaminase Enzyme better!
Since the discovery of this enzyme a few decades ago, Transglutaminase still has a lot of potential use.
This enzyme is not harmful and clinical research has received positive results on the effect of this transglutaminase enzyme in overcoming dermatological problems (cornification process of the skin). Several other studies have suggested that there is a positive impact of transglutaminase enzymes on some degenerative diseases.
Ways of working
This enzyme catalyzes the Ca 2+ process of converting amino into protein. This process can greatly be used to improve protein functionality in food.
The enzyme of Transglutaminase shows the best performance activity between pH 5-8 and optimal temperature at 50-55 degrees celcius in 10 minutes.
Storage of transglutaminase enzymes is recommended at temperatures of about 10-21 degrees celcius.
In the processing of meatballs and sausages, the transglutaminase enzyme affects the elasticity of the product, by only adding 0.01 percent Transglutaminase 120U, we can see significant improvement.
Producing meatballs with frozen meat is very possible now with the exsistence of Transglutaminase enzyme. Moreover, you can get satisfying result!
Benefits of Transglutaminase enzyme in food:
1. Improve texture in tofu, so that it is not brittle
2. Improve the texture of noodles and better water absorption
3. Helping the process of cheese and yoghurt by increasing gel strength and decreasing permeability
4. Increase the volume of bread
Because of how it works, Transglutaminase enzyme is also often used as meat glue/ meat binder. Small pieces of meat (trimming) can be combined into larger piece of meat which of course will add the value of the meat.
This is my brief review of Transglutaminase enzymes.
If you are interested in trying this transglutaminase enzyme, you can contact us PT DUA MITRA KERJASAMA –
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